
People People

Facilitate monitoring & managing your staff enabling you to use their time & talent in the best interests of the company.

Create Projects (Jobs) with Great Ease Jobs / Projects

Simply create, view & manage jobs or projects easily which had been a burden to you previously.

Schedule Projects and Tasks & Prioritize Them Scheduling & Prioritizing

Schedule & assign jobs to people without any miscommunication and manage deadlines without delay.

Optimize Day to Day Operations & Other Tasks Tasks

Smart preview of tasks & projects that employees work on currently that enables you to see clearly who is doing what.

Record Time in Terms of Both Tasks & Projects Time Recording

Record the time spent on each task(s) that you or your team has completed without having to fill in time-sheets and process them manually.

Communicate Clearly & Efficiently Communication

Effective seamless communication across the hierarchy and between the departments throughout the workplace that drives operational efficiency.

Correctly Track Upcoming, Pending and Delayed Events Events

Track upcoming scheduled events, pending as well as delayed events and be constantly aware of what’s going on and what isn’t.

Track Your Progress, One Step at a Time Milestones

Track achievement of milestones for each job / project and know it all through from the start, during the process and the completion.

Send Automated Alerts & Notifications Alerts & Notification

Alerts & notifications for newly assigned jobs, milestones & events, comments as well as notes that keep you informed about the significant goings-on.

Organize ‘To-dos’ Lists “To-Dos”

Organize and maintain the tasks in your ‘To-Dos’ list according to the level of priority and distinguish between the urgent and the important.

Generate Reports on Work Details and Task Summaries Reports

Ability to view & download work details report & user task summary reports that gives an overview of jobs, people and tasks.

Handle Basic Leave Management Leave / Attendance Handling

Handle employee leaves & attendance efficiently without having to fill in and manually process reams of papers month after month.

Feature Holiday Calendar Holiday Calendar

International holiday calendar that shows local and international holidays helping organize projects smoothly.

Extendable Modules Extendable Modules

Human Resource & billing modules for convenience & enhancement of the workplace. They’ll superbly complement what OPPTIMO already does.

Data Security Data Security

Ensure the complete protection of your data with daily encrypted backups, access control via SSL and through robust firewall system.


OPPTIMO is a task, people and operations management platform on the cloud with mobile compatibility that provides real time visibility to enhance productivity & efficiency in the workplace.