
Creating the perfect workplace with performance management

Performance management for high employee retention

Praise and accolades are important to human beings of all ages and reflexive praises for doing the right things and not so right things are expected at every turn. In a culture where people expect to be rewarded at every turn the job of human resource teams and cooperate leaders at retaining employees has become more challenging than ever.

How can you constantly satisfy every one when your employees are expecting a hooray and pat on the back at every turn? More and more human resource managers are turning towards continuous performance management to plan, monitor and review each employee's contribution towards the development of an organisation. Reaching beyond the conventional annual review of each employee, performance management is a continuous process of setting objectives, assessing progress and providing on going coaching and feedback to assist employees meet their career goals and objectives.

According to HRM experts, performance management and in the moment praises can be as satisfying as much as a financial enumerations and can be crucial in retaining the most valued employees. Yet many HR managers as well as top management of an organisation fails to deliver praise and assistance to a high performing employee at the right time leading to the loss of highly skilled workers and professionals.

Constant reviewing of an employee's job description and its comparability to his or hers responsibilities is important. If the employee has taken up new responsibilities and are executing them successfully, it is important to revise their job descriptions to suit their performance.

It is also critical to provide employees with relevant training and information to carry out their new responsibilities through a well laid out plan developed in partnership with the employees and their superiors.

The second step of a successful progress management system includes constant monitoring and evaluation of progress. While managers should avoiding micro-managing at any cost, it is also important to monitor the development employees make through their assigned tasks and to assess how well they have completed the assigned activity and task. Providing progressive assistance and coaching while monitoring the task also encourages employees to seek out support when required and serves as an ice breaker between employees and management.

However the greatest barrier in the path of an effective progress management plan is the shortage of human resource management tools that provide real time data on the performance of an employee. While there are numerous project management software to assist project managers in managing their teams effectively, very few human resource management tools are available to provide HR managers with real time data about the performance of the employees. Nevertheless few colleboration tools like OPPTIMO combines human resource management tasks with project management providing the management an overall picture about the performance of a user including the amount of time spent on each task, their attendance and their overall contribution to each project.

These software also provide the facility to view and download work detail report and user task summary reports that provides an overview of jobs, people and task at a glance. Combining these real time data with real time planning and action can help any HR manager develop a successful performance management plan ensuring high employee retention.